手話言語の展示 Exhibitions on Sign Language

「はらぺこおおむし」 日本手話版を始めとし、欧米・アジアの手話版もあります!


There is a language section at MINPAKU, and there are 47 copies of a book called “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” in diffeerent languages. Translations of this book are also exhibited in 12 sign languages as the videotheque system. I hope you enjoy visiting this section!

ビデオテーク 「手話の世界へようこそ!!」


The Videotheque system provides introductions to the cultures, ceremonies, and arts of peoples from many regions of the world. Programs can be selected by region or theme.
One of the multimedia programs covers information about sign language, and is called “Welcome to Sign Language world”. There is basic information about sign language, translations into 12 sign languages of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, and basic word lists including signs such as “ man” “ woman” ”like” and “dislike”. You can compare the story and the words in different sign languages. There is also a traditional Japanese story called “MOMOTARO”(The story of the son of a peach) with sign language translations into some of the regional varieties (dialects) of Japanese Sign Language, along with some other wonderful sign language stories.



The language exhibition section includes 22 spoken dialects of “MOMOTARO”(The story of the son of a peach), and next to this you can watch a sign language translation too. There are no captions when you first select the video: if you want to see captions, these are available by selecting “caption”. If you know the original story, you can watch without captions and see if you can follow it.