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専門は社会人類学、中東研究、現代イスラーム思想。エジプトにて都市中流層の教養や身体文化に関する民族誌的調査を行う。主な著書にPublic Culture and Islam in Modern Egypt: Media, Intellectuals and Society (I.B. Tauris, 2016)、”Beyond Correspondence: Doing Anthropology of Islam in the Field and Classroom”, Irfan Ahmad (ed.) Anthropology and Ethnography are not Equivalent: Reorienting Anthropology for the Future (Berghahn Books, 2021), pp. 20-35、「グローバルスポーツとしての武道——カラテからエジプト社会を考える」西尾哲夫・東長靖編『中東・イスラーム世界への30の扉』(ミネルヴァ書房、2021年)、pp.49-59。

Hatsuki Aishima is associate professor at the National Museum of Ethnology and the Graduate University of Advanced Studies. She a social anthropologist of the Middle East and an intellectual historian of modern Islam who has been carrying out ethnographic field research concerning urban middle classes of Egypt. Her monograph, Islam and Public Culture in Modern Egypt: Media, Intellectuals and Society (I.B. Tauris, 2016) explored the role of mass media and modern education in shaping the public knowledge, scholarly culture and literary tradition of Islam. Her publications have recently appeared in Die Welt des Islams, Culture and Religion, and the American Historical Review.




専門はアフリカ地域研究、ホモ・サピエンス史。世界のビーズ(Beads)の移動からみた地域と地域のつながり方の研究。とりわけ、イタリアのヴェネチア産ガラスビーズがどのようにつくられて、アフリカや南アジアの地域社会に導入され、定着化したのか、中心地のヴェネチアからみることに関心を持つ。主な著書に『ビーズでたどるホモ・サピエンス史――美の起源に迫る』(昭和堂、2020年)、“History of Human Culture Reflected in Beads: The Bead Research Framework”, Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia, 150, 2020, pp. 171-183, Beads in the World: Connect, Decorate, and Show (National Museum of Ethnology, 2018).

Kazunobu Ikeya is professor emeritus at the National Museum of Ethnology and the Graduate University of Advanced Studies. He specializes in African studies and the history of Homo sapiens. Ikeya has worked on how various regions and localities around the world are connected through the movement of beads. In particular, he is interested in how Venetian glass beads were introduced to and established in local communities in Africa and South Asia, after being produced and shipped from Venice, Italy. His main publications include Following the History of Homo sapiens through Beads, (Showado, 2020, in Japanese), “History of Human Culture Reflected in Beads: The Bead Research Framework”, Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia, 150, 2020, pp. 171-183, and Beads in the World: Connect, Decorate, and Show, (National Museum of Ethnology, 2018).





Taeko Udagawa is professor at the National Museum of Ethnology and the Graduate University of Advanced Studies. She specializes in cultural anthropology, Italian studies, gender/sexuality studies, and food culture studies. She has been conducting ethnographic research in various places in Italy, especially in the suburbs of Rome. Her major books in Japanese include Italy from the Inside of the Wall: Re-thinking Gender (Rinsen Shoten, 2015), Encyclopedia of Food Cultures in the World (Maruzen Shoten, 2021, co-edited with Atsushi Nobayashi, Hironao Kawai, and Shingo Hamada), and The Anthropology of Work: Beyond Labor-Centered Views (Sekaishisosha, 2016, co-edited with Ayami Nakatani).




専門は文学,地域研究。アルジェリアやレバノンなどフランス語圏アラブ=ベルベル文学を主たる研究対象とする。主な編著書に『世界の文学、文学の世界』(松籟社,2020年)、『文学理論 : 読み方を学び文学と出会いなおす』(フィルムアート社,2021年)。論文として「小さな文学にとって〈世界文学〉は必要か? : あるいはチベットの現代小説を翻訳で読むことについて」(特集 世界文学の語り方)『文学』17.5、2016年、pp. 149-167。

Satoshi Udo is associate professor at Meiji University. His research interests focus on Arab and Berber literature especially in Algeria and Lebanon. His publications include « Résonances d’un récit fantomatique », Europe, 1094-1095-1096, 2020, « Toucher les souffles marginaux: réflexions sur quelques reflets de la banlieue parisienne au Japon », TTR: Traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 2019, pp.31-1, « Présence maghrébine au Japon: Contextes historiques de traduction et d’interprétation », Expressions maghrébines, 2016, pp. 15-1.


岡本尚子(人間文化研究機構創発センター研究員/グローバル地中海地域研究国立民族学博物館拠点・ 特任助教)

専門はフランス文学、中東地域文学。『千一夜物語』仏語訳者J.-C.マルドリュス、及びフランス象徴派の文学と音楽の関係についての研究を行う。主な編著訳書にLa critique musicale par trois écrivains – Romain Rolland, André Suarès, Jacques Rivière (Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, Thèse de doctorat de Lettres Modernes présentée à Université François Rabelais de Tours, 2007年)、S.ジャルジー著『アラブ音楽』(西尾哲夫と共訳、白水社、2019年)、Catalogue du fonds Joseph-Charles Mardrus, traducteur des Mille Nuits et Une Nuit, (西尾哲夫他と共編、Éditions Abencerage, 2022)。

Naoko Okamoto is project assistant professor of the Global Mediterranean at the National Museum of Ethnology. She specializes in French and Middle Eastern Literatures. Her main interests are J.-C. Mardrus, a French translator of the Arabian Nights, and the relationship between literature and music in symbolism of France. Her publications include La critique musicale par trois écrivains: Romain Rolland, André Suarès, Jacques Rivière (Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, Thèse de doctorat de Lettres Modernes présentée à Université François Rabelais de Tours, 2007), “Debussy et la littérature -autour de la critique musicale par Romain Rolland-”, Études de langue et littérature françaises, No.96, 2010, pp. 87-102, Catalogue du fonds Joseph-Charles Mardrus, traducteur des Mille Nuits et Une Nuit (Éditions Abencerage, 2022, co-edited with Tetsuo Nishio et al).



専門はイギリス史。とくにチャリティや海事に関心を抱く。近年はマグレブにおけるイギリス人船員の虜囚化と身代金交渉について、あるチャリティ団体の活動を切り口に研究をしている。主な編著書に、『チャリティとイギリス近代』(京都大学学術出版会、2008年)、『チャリティの帝国――もうひとつのイギリス近現代史』(岩波新書、2021年)、『海のイギリス史――闘争と共生の世界史』(編著、昭和堂、2013年)。論文として、”’To vote or not to vote’: Charity voting and the other side of subscriber democracy in Victorian England”, English Historical Review, 131. 549, 2016, pp.353-383、「もうひとつの奴隷貿易――近世地中海における虜囚と身代金」『西洋史学』267、2019年、pp. 57-70。

Shusaku Kanazawa is Professor of Western History at the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University. His research interests focus on maritime history, the comparative study of modern British and Japanese charity, and Western historiography in general. His publications include Charities in Modern England (Kyoto University Press, 2008, in Japanese) and The Empire of Charity: A British History (Iwanami Shoten, 2021, in Japanese). He edited A Companion to British Maritime History (Showado, 2013, in Japanese), and co-edited Maritime Literacy: A Global History of Seafaring People in the North-Atlantic (Sogensha, 2016, in Japanese). He has also published an article, “‘To vote or not to vote’: Charity voting and the other side of subscriber democracy in Victorian England”, English Historical Review, 131. 549, 2016, pp.353-383.



専門は歴史学、比較史。フランス領アルジェリアの社会史を出発点として近代の地中海世界について研究を行う。主な著書として、『地中海帝国の片影─フランス領アルジェリアの19世紀』(東京大学出版会、2013年)、『両岸の旅人─イスマイル・ユルバンと地中海の近代』(東京大学出版会、2022年)。論文として、(with Atsushi Ota), "Privateers in the Early-Modern Mediterranean: Violence, Diplomacy and Commerce in the Maghreb, c. 1600-1830”, Atsushi Ota (ed.), In the Name of the Battle Against Piracy: Ideas and Practices in State Monopoly of Maritime Violence in Europe and Asia in the Period of Transition (Brill, 2018), pp. 19-42.

Akihito Kudo is professor at Gakushuin University. A historian of the French colonialism in the Mediterranean, his first work focused on the theory and practice of colonial land policy and its impact on everyday life in the nineteenth century Algeria. On this subject, he published The Mirage of Mediterranean Empire: French-ruled Algeria in the Nineteenth Century (University of Tokyo Press, 2013, in Japanese). His recent publications include: Voyagers between both shores: Ismayl Urbain and the Modern Mediterranean, (University of Tokyo Press, 2022, in Japanese); (with Atsushi Ota), “Privateers in the Early-Modern Mediterranean: Violence, Diplomacy and Commerce in the Maghreb, c. 1600-1830”, Atsushi Ota (ed.), In the Name of the Battle Against Piracy: Ideas and Practices in State Monopoly of Maritime Violence in Europe and Asia in the Period of Transition, (Brill, 2018) pp. 19-42.




Kenji Kuroda is assistant professor at the National Museum of Ethnology. He specializes in Middle East studies, historical anthropology, Iranian politics and modern Japan-Iran history. His recent publications include, “Pioneering Iranian Studies in Meiji Japan: Between Modern Academia and International Strategy”, Iranian Studies, 50.5, 2017, pp.651-670, “Embodying Islamic Thought through Karate: A Reconsideration of Modern Sports and Indigenization in Iran”, Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 14, pp. 73-86, “Japanese Steamship Companies and Pause of the Ḥajj from Southeast Asia in 1915: Economic Rationality Behind the Muslim Mobility in the Indian Ocean and its Irony”, Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, 37.2, 2022, pp. 1-30.




Akiko Sugase is associate professor at the National Museum of Ethnology and the Graduate University of Advanced Studies. She specializes in cultural anthropology and Middle East studies, especially the relationship between Christian identity, saint veneration, and food culture in Palestine/Israel and Southern Lebanon. Her major works include Arab Christians in Israel: Their Society and Identity (Keisuisha, 2009, in Japanese), The Cross Shines even on the Night of the New Moon: Christians in the Middle East (Yamakawa 2010, in Japanese), and “The Beginnings of a New Coexistence: A Case Study of the Veneration of the Prophet Elijah (Mar Ilyas) among Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Haifa after 1948”, edited by Paul Rowe, John Dyck, and Jens Zimmermann, Christians and the Middle East Conflict (Routledge 2014).



専門は文化人類学。著書に『グローバル都市を生きる人々——イラン人ディアスポラの民族誌』(春風社、2018年)、共著に『「サトコとナダ」から考えるイスラム入門――ムスリムの生活、文化、歴史』(星海社、2018年)。分担執筆に「しがらみの人類学」栗本英世ほか編『かかわりあいの人類学』(昭和堂、2022年)、pp. 111-128、「迷子のバラの物語——近現代日本の陶磁器輸出と中東」西尾哲夫・東長靖編『中東・イスラーム世界への30の扉』(ミネルヴァ書房、2021年)、pp. 37-48など。

Atsuko Tsubakihara is associate professor at the faculty of Sociology, Ryukoku University. She specializes in cultural anthropology and the author of Living the Global City: An Ethnography of Iranian Diaspora (Shunpusha, 2018, in Japanese) and “Tales of the Wandering Roses: Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Exports and the Middle East”, Tetsuo Nishio and Yasushi Tonaga eds., Thirty Doors to the Middle East and the Islamic World (Minerva Shobo, 2021, in Japanese) pp.37-48.




Osamu Nakagawa is associate professor at the National Museum of Ethnology and the Graduate University of Advanced Studies. He specializes in Cultural Anthropology. Key areas of his research are: Economic Anthropology, Political Anthropology, and Globalization Studies. He has been conducting ethnographic research in southern France and French Guiana. His recent publications include Anthropological Thinking (in Japanese, Sekaishisosha, 2019, co-edited with Keiichiro Matsumura and Miho Ishii) and Migrating People (in Japanese, Koyoshobo, 2019, co-edited with Masako Ishii, Katsumi Okuno, and Mark Caprio), and Anthropology of Engagement (in Japanese, co-edited with Eisei Kurimoto, Isao Murahashi, and Miku Ito, Osaka University Press).



専門は言語学、アラブ研究、フランス文化研究。アラブ遊牧民の言語人類学的研究やアラビアンナイトの比較文明的研究を行う。主な編著訳書に 『ガラン版千一夜物語』(全六巻、岩波書店、2019~2020年)、Catalogue du fonds Joseph-Charles Mardrus, traducteur des Mille Nuits et Une Nuit, (Éditions Abencerage, 2022)、『中東・イスラーム世界への30の扉』(ミネルヴァ書房、2021年)、『ヴェニスの商人の異人論―人肉一ポンドと他者認識の民族学』(みすず書房、2013年)。

Tetsuo Nishio is senior professor/professor emeritus at the National Museum of Ethnology. He is a linguistic anthropologist of the Arab world who has been carrying out ethnographic field research among Bedouin people. He is also interested in narratology, with special focus on the Arabian Nights. His major works include The Arabian Nights and Orientalism: Perspectives from East and West (I.B. Tauris, 2006, co-edited with Yuriko Yamanaka), and Catalogue du Fonds Josephe-Charles Mardrus, traducteur des Mille Nuits et une Nuit, (Éditions Abencerage, 2022, co-edited with Naoko Okamoto et al).